Terms and Conditions of Sale


1.1. The present general terms and conditions of sale (the "GTC") are applicable to forecasting and analyses services and products services and products designed, developed and marketed by DATA-SPORT, notably under the DATA-SPORT" brand.

1.2. These terms and conditions govern the contractual relationship between DATA-SPORT and the customer (the "Customer"). They shall prevail over any other document of legal or legal or commercial scope. The Customer also agrees to comply with to comply with the general terms and conditions of use of the site (the "GCU ").

1.3. DATA-SPORT reserves the right to change, adapt or modify the at any time and without prior notice; the new terms and conditions will be applicable being applicable to all new orders.

1.4. By placing an order for services and products of analyses and analyses, the Customer recognizes to have taken knowledge of the CGV and declares to adhere to them without limitation or reservation. The services and products services and products of forecasts and analyses concerned by the CGV concern only natural persons, major acting exclusively for private purposes and not professional private and not professional, established in France and abroad.

1.5. In order to use the forecasting and analyses services and products analyses, DATA-SPORT provides the customer with access to the site, either from the url www.data-sport.io (the "Site").

1.6. The renewal of a current subscription or the renewal of services also services also implies the consent and full and unconditional adherence of the unreservedly to the Terms and Conditions of Sale.

1.7. If the Customer refuses to comply with any of the obligations and of the T&Cs or the TOU, it is the responsibility of the Customer to use the services and products of Analysis.


2.1. DATA-SPORT offers paid analyses and forecasts on the results of professional soccer matches in European and non-European leagues European and non-European leagues using DATA-SPORT's artificial intelligence DATA-SPORT and other specifically designed information and tools developed and marketed by DATA-SPORT (the "Analysis"). "). The Analysis provide the Customer with decision support for decision making process for the Customer's analyses and the placement of his or her sports bets. The Customer is then free to place his bets with the operator approved by the National Gaming Authority.

2/6 2.2. The Customer has the faculty to acquire on the Site one or product(s) of Analysis according to the pricing and the formula subscribed by him.


3.1. The Customer makes, on the Site, requests for Analysis for the weekly subscription ("the Subscription").

3.2. The cancellation must be done by the customer by sending a simple email in the mail in the customer area of the website. The subscription is without commitment of duration. The cancellation request must be made at least 3 days before the end of the current period.

3.3. The decision not to renew the Subscription will not result in the payment of compensation of any kind, subject to payment of invoices issued by DATA-SPORT. subject to the payment of the invoices issued by DATA-SPORT.

3.4 In the case where the customer benefits from a free period, it will be automatically automatically renewed to a subscription at the end of the period. end of the period.


4.1. To prevent gambling addiction, each licensed operator makes available to excessive or pathological gamblers and their entourage on its website, a telephone number under the responsibility of the National Institute for Prevention and Education for health. This call is billed to the subscriber at the price of a local call.

4.2. The Customer is reminded that any person wishing to be banned from gambling must apply to the Ministry of the Interior. This ban is valid in casinos casinos, gaming circles and online gaming sites authorized under the authorized under the law n°2010-476 of May 12, 2010. This is also valid on the website of the legal entity that holds the holder of exclusive rights to offer online games to the public on the basis of on the basis of Article 136 of the Act of 31 May 1933 on the fixing the general budget for the year 1933. It is pronounced for a non reducible period of three years.


5.1. The Customer has a monthly subscription to obtain the Analysis offered by data-sport.io
The Customer is informed of the details of the Subscription on the present GTC : the price of the subscription is 39.90€ / month with a 7 days trial offer of 7 days for 1€.

5.2. The Subscription has its own pricing system and the amount including all taxes ("TTC") indicated on the Site.

5.3. If necessary, the Customer shall provide DATA-SPORT with the information necessary for the identification, processing and activation of the customer's account, as provided for in article 4 and following of the of the GCU. The customer is solely responsible for the protection of his/her electronic password (art. 4.3 of the GTU).


The Client pays the amount of the Analyse Product according to Subscription prior to DATA-SPORT providing any data or information information from DATA-SPORT. The payments by credit card, Stripe or by "Internet service +" are accepted.

6.1. The Customer has a right to use, under the terms and conditions of the terms and conditions of the GTC, the information consulted, extracted or provided to to the Customer in the context of the use of the Analysis Products. This information and analyses are exclusively intended for personal use and personal use and for non-commercial purposes.

6.2. Unless DATA-SPORT has given its prior written consent under a specific agreement, the rights of use granted to the Customer for information for information consulted, extracted or provided to the Customer in the context of the use of the Analysis Products, the Customer is expressly the express prohibition for the Client to : a. copy, reproduce a. copy, reproduce, use, commercialize, and more generally exploit, all or a. copy, reproduce, use, market, and more generally exploit, all or part of the information by any means and in any form, for any form, for purposes other than those set out in Article 6.1 of the b. transmit, communicate, grant to any third party all or part of the information or part of the information to any third party, whether in return for payment or free of charge, for commercial or non-commercial purposes; c. to add to all or part of the information any c. to add to all or part of the information any element or any data base whose effect would be to to distort them; d. to collect the information in order to create, compare or d. collect the Information for the purpose of creating, comparing or enhancing any database or software tool (whether owned or owned by any third party);

The Analysis can however be the object of a " paper edition "within the limits of a private, normal, non-commercial use, in the strict respect of the respect of the GTC and the copyright laws.

6.3. The rights of use are personal to the Customer, non-exclusive exclusive, non-transferable and non-transferable. In the event of improper use use, breach, misrepresentation or violation by the customer of any of the breach of any of the provisions of the GTC, DATA-SPORT reserves the right to reserves the right to hold the customer responsible, without prejudice to without prejudice to the suspension, without prior notice, of the customer's electronic account and access to the Analysis Products.


7.1. The Analysis Products are the full and complete property of DATA-SPORT of DATA-SPORT in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. Code. 7.2. The analyses, forecasts, data and information consulted, extracted or provided to the Customer in the context of the the use of the Analyse Products remain the exclusive intellectual property of property of DATA-SPORT, in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Intellectual Property Code.

7.2. The use of the Products of Analysis does not involve any transfer to the benefit of the Customer of any intellectual property right or intellectual property right or right of another nature on the Products of Analysis, or on any element composing them. The GTC do not imply any transfer to the benefit of the Customer of the rights of intellectual property rights on the characteristic components of the know-how or know-how or manufacturing secret (whether or not they can be patented or protected be patented or protected in the current state of the law by a copyright or any other by copyright or otherwise), nor on the distinctive signs or any or any other organizational, structural, conceptual, editorial, informative or conceptual, editorial, informative, visual or sound elements, such as such as brands, names or logos belonging to DATA-SPORT. The customer is prohibited from using any of the above elements in any form whatsoever in any form whatsoever and for any purpose whatsoever, without prior without DATA-SPORT's prior and express authorization.

7.3. DATA-SPORT has the right to use the data provided and obtained by the obtained by the Customer in connection with the use of the Analyse Products. Products.

7.4. In addition, in the event of an unfair act, criminal offence, fraud unauthorized reproduction, hacking of the system, usurpation of the system, usurpation of authentication to access the Analyse Products or any the Analyse Products or any other impairment of DATA-SPORT's legitimate DATA-SPORT's legitimate trust in the Customer, DATA-SPORT reserves the right to the right to assert its intellectual property rights, based on any property rights, on the basis of any and all means of redress for the loss the damage suffered by DATA-SPORT as a result.


8.1. DATA-SPORT's commitments regarding personal data are governed by articles 5.1 to 5.5 of the personal data are governed by articles 5.1 to 5.5 of the TOS.


9.1 DATA-SPORT warrants to the Customer that it has the rights to provide to provide the Analyse Products to the Customer.

9.2. DATA-SPORT implements consistent and appropriate means and provides care and diligence normally required for the use of the Analyse Analyse Products by the Customer.

9.3. The Analyse Products are, in principle, available 24 hours a day hours a day, 7 days a week.

9.4. The Customer acknowledges and declares that he/she has obtained from DATA-SPORT all necessary information on the content of the analyses products purchased, their products, their presentation, functionality and characteristics.

9.5. DATA-SPORT makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied, other than those or implied, other than as set forth in this section.


10.1. DATA-SPORT's liability is strictly limited to the obligations defined by the obligations defined by the Customer's request in the context of his Subscription.

10.2. The warranty granted by DATA-SPORT to the Customer in respect of use of the Analyse Products is limited to the provision of one or more the provision of one or more analyses relating to the results of competitions available on the Site.

The quality of the Analyse Products and the relevance of the information provided within the framework of their use depend nevertheless on a on a certain amount of randomness that the customer must take into account. DATA-SPORT will not be held responsible for any error in the analyses analyses resulting from the transmission of erroneous information or by the professional football federations or leagues when using the leagues when using the Analyse Products. Products.

10.3. The analyses, forecasts, data and information provided to the within the framework of the use of the Products of Analysis it products are provided for informational purposes only and DATA-SPORT shall not be liable for any DATA-SPORT is not liable for any reason whatsoever.

10.4. DATA-SPORT shall not be held liable and shall not be sought by the customer in the event of be sought by the customer, in the event of failure, interruption or unavailability interruption or unavailability of the means of access to the Site and the Analysis products. DATA-SPORT will not be held responsible for any and cannot be held liable by the customer for any financial, material or financial, material or immaterial damage or loss resulting from the unavailability the unavailability of the means of access to the Site and the Products of Products or the use made by the Client of the Products of Products. DATA-SPORT shall not be held liable in any way whatsoever, be engaged or sought by the Customer in the case of the use of the the use of the Analyse Products without any direct connection to a analyses on one or more football matches that are the subject of a analyses request. competition that has been requested by the customer from the site. Site.

10.5. For all causes, all losses and all damages, DATA-SPORT's overall DATA-SPORT's overall liability shall in no case exceed the amount paid by the customer exceed the amount paid by the customer for the purchase of the analyses product in question.


11.1. If any provision or part of any provision of the T&Cs is held to be invalid provisions of the GTC shall be declared ineffective, the validity of the the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected.

11.2. The fact that DATA-SPORT does not take advantage of any of the provisions provisions of the GTC shall not be construed as a waiver of its right to to take advantage of it at a later date.

11.3. These terms and conditions constitute a contract of adhesion and may only be amended or modified only by a written document issued by DATA-SPORT and signed by signed by its authorized representatives.


12.1. The GTC are subject to Irish law.

12.2. Any dispute arising from the validity, interpretation or performance of of any of the provisions of the GTC shall be subject to the natural jurisdiction the naturally competent jurisdiction.


By validating your membership to the services offered by Data-Sport, you confirm that your membership of 39.90€ will automatically start at the end of the one week trial period, unless you cancel before the end of this trial period. Unfortunately, no refund of the monthly subscription is possible once the amount has been paid.


Company : SUB ONLINE BUSINESS LIMITED, Registered number: 726045, Address: 77, Lower Camden Street, Dublin 2, D02 XE80

Information about the affiliation offer

The Site does not refer to all the sports betting offers available on the available on the market, but only those proposed by the companies that companies that pay the Site Editor to be listed.

The number of offers proposed is variable according to the evolution of the partnerships of the Website Editor.

The information relating to the credit offers appearing on the Site are provided by our partners under their sole responsibility. responsibility.

The list of partner offers on the site data-sport.io is updated manually by the director of the publication in case of modifications of the offers


The information contained on this site should not be construed as gambling advice or advice or as a solicitation to play games.
